Wish your friends and family a Happy Turkey Day or let them know you're Thankful For Them with these Thanksgiving Popcorn Printable Tags, added to a bag of microwave popcorn!
Thanksgiving Popcorn Tags (PDF)
The Thanksgiving Popcorn Tag is a PDF document that includes the following microwave popcorn tags:
Just Poppin' By To Wish You A Happy Turkey Day! - 4 per page
Just Poppin' By To Say I'm Thankful For You! - 4 per page
How to use the Thanksgiving Popcorn Tag Printables:
Adhere to microwave popcorn
Tie jute or twine around the microwave popcorn and printable
Give to anyone you would like to wish a Happy Turkey Day!
Stuff You Need To Know
Nothing will be mailed.
The Thanksgiving Popcorn Tags PDF is for personal use only. You may not resell or share this product in ANY digital form. This product can not be sold, shared, or used commercially in a digital or physical format. You can NOT make the designs available for digital download, resell, or redistribute them as is, or modify them in digital form.